Finally, spring has sprung! The days are getting longer, the sun is starting to peak out from behind the clouds and those beautiful summer nights are right around the corner. But, to University and College students, there is still a pretty large hurdle that needs to be cleared before all that summer frolicking begins. The dreaded 5 letter word… EXAMS. There’s no question that exams are stressful. From the hours upon hours of studying in the library to stress eating the pain away, exam time is anything but fun.
There are many ways to deal with this exam induced stress, but what I find has helped me the most throughout my Undergrad and Postgrad studies is to sweat it out. Now I’m not saying to go run a marathon, but a little exercise here and there not only helps to clear your mind, but it also gives your brain some time to absorb all the material you’ve been studying.
- Humber Fitness Centre
Here at Humber, we are very lucky to have a campus that not only provides us with great education, but also allows us to work on our physical health in many different ways. From the gorgeous running/biking trails by the Humber River, to the wide array of classes and intramurals offered through the Fitness Centre, Humber offers something for whatever your fitness needs are.
Personally, I find it difficult to attend many of the Athletic Classes at the school as they take place typically during the times when I have class or when I am in my internships, however I try to make a point to go to the gym for at least 45 min a day to get that heart rate up and sweat away some of that exam and school induced stress.
To help handle your exam stress over the next month, I’ve put together a simple and quick workout that will definitely get a good sweat going!
- Equipment provided
Sweat the Stress Away HIIT Circuit at the Humber Fitness Centre
**Before attempting this circuit, make sure to warm up your muscles by either walking or doing a light jog on a treadmill for 5 min**
- 30 sec. Jump Squats- When doing this exercise make sure to get as low on each squat as possible and really push off of the ground to propel yourself in the air for the jump!
- 30 sec. Battle Ropes- Make sure to get in a good squat position and make sure to give 100% for the full 30 sec.- you only get out as much as you put in!
- 30 sec. Plank- When doing the plank make sure that you are parallel to the ground, no butts in the air! Also imagine your belly button being pulled through to your spine to get that good burn.
- 1 min Jump Rope
- 30 sec Lying Leg Raises- To ensure that you get the best workout possible, put your hands right below your tailbone. Lower your legs slowly to the group and raise them back up as many times as you can. You should feel this in your lower abs.
(TOTAL TIME= 20 min workout!)
Give this quick and easy (ok, maybe not so easy) workout a try next time you’re feeling overwhelmed with school or life! And don’t you worry, summer is almost here 🙂