Profile of the Week

Name:  JayTee 

Where were you born? Bilaspur, Himachal, India

A song that you love? Marry the Night by Lady Gaga

Last book that you read? I don’t read books, only magazines. I really like flipping [through] the glossy pages.

Favorite color? All shades of green

Favorite Instagram account? @lukasbbat

Netflix/TV series of the moment? Russian Doll

Coffee or tea? Depends on who I am with.

Sneakers or dress shoes? Sneakers

Spring/Summer or Fall/Winter? Fall/winter

What are you proud of in your life? My experiences

Your favorite spot at Humber? Study rooms in the L building

Your style in 3 words? Neo Bubblegum Pop

Why fashion? I like dressing up, it’s a ritual for me. People meditate when they are looking for some peace, for me it’s buying new clothes. It is a therapy of some kind. Also, I grew up with people associated with fashion. It has always been a part of my life.

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