Humber Style Spotlight: Meet Isil


What program are you in?
Post Graduate Fashion Management and Promotions


What do you love about your program?
“I originally applied for the program for the business side, because I didn’t have a proper education in the fashion business. I have worked in the fashion industry, but I was working more on the creative side… I discovered that I still love the creative side over the business side.”


Describe your personal style
“This question is funny, because, a week ago, I really didn’t know what my style was particularly. I didn’t really describe my style until now. But last week, one of my managers told me that she really like my style and she described it as “French girl meets edgy”. And I really liked that”


Who is/are your style icon/s?
“It actually changes from time to time, but it’s usually the style bloggers that I follow on Instagram, Gilda Ambrosio and Maria Bernad”
“In general, I like style icons from movies… Gwyneth Paltrow’s character from “The Royal Tenenbaums” and, oh, I really love Rachel Green from Friends”


Any beauty and wellness necessities?
“I try to clean my make-up on my face as soon as I get home. I’m kind of obsessed with it. I don’t really like to stay with my make-up too long”
“I try to eat healthy as much as I can”


What do you do for fun?
Go to concerts or music events, (The last concert she saw is Above and Beyond)


One thing in your closet that you could not live without?
White basic t-shirts, loop earrings


One thing that we’ll be surprised to know about you?
“I love the Kardashians. It’s a guilty pleasure!”


Any social media accounts that we need to follow?
@johuacoombes “he’s very inspirational…he gives haircuts to people on the street (homeless people). He talks to them and listens to them. He actually has a hashtag and account called #dosomethingfornothing”


Your spirit animal?
“I actually did a test on it, and it said butterfly. Maybe because I am fond of my freedom. Actually, I was thinking a cat, because there are some people that I really like and some people that I don’t like but there’s no specific reason for why I don’t like them. And I think cats are like that, they’re picky with humans”


What’s on your playlist
“I have an entire Coldplay playlist and I have a “sunset tunes” playlist. It’s a playlist that I created, which reminds me of chilling in the sunset or road trip with friends. It has Kygo, Solomun, Royksopp”


The soundtrack to your life?
California Dreamin’ The Mama’s & The Papas



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