Have you ever seen a trend, and thought to yourself “that is ridiculous, I would never be caught dead in that?” Yeah, me too. Then some time passes by or I see someone like Gigi Hadid rocking a trend I initially deemed grotesque; and all of sudden I’m dying for a pair of tiny triangle sunglasses (regardless of how impractical they are). I caved okay, sue me. Kanye was right, big sunglasses are out, and 2018 is indeed all about tiny sunglasses.
- Gigi Hadid
- 2018 is all about tiny glasses
This isn’t the only trend that I have suddenly become obsessed with. Oversized puffer jackets for instance; how many of you never thought you would ever wear them? Now look at you! I bet you have three in your closet right now. Or the plastic coat which truly doesn’t have any functionality to it at all. First, you can’t hide anything, your secrets are quite literally open to the public. So, for all those girls who spill a lot (which I myself am a victim), I suggest wearing bibs like a toddler because your translucent coat will not hide your dirty secrets. Another lovely trait of plastic is the fact that it traps in heat; so, don’t you dare break a sweat or you will be one sweaty mess. Lastly, plastic is not meant to be worn as an article of clothing. It’s stiff. Meaning you quite literally resemble a robot because it’s not conducive to the movement of the human body. That being said, here I am with one in my closet. Where you may ask am I going to wear this highly practical article of clothing? I have yet to find the prime occasion but after I saw someone at New York Fashion Week rocking one I thought “hey, you should waste your money on something that is cool that will hang in your closet until you come to terms with the fact that you aren’t trendy enough to wear something so outrageous.” My good friend Bethany Byrd once said, “I saw Cady Heron wearing army pants and flip-flops, so I bought army pants and flip-flops.” Bethany, I’m with you girl. I saw a Kaia Gerber wearing a clear coat, so I bought a clear coat.
- Chanel SS18
- The clear coat
Transparent coats always make me think of Kim Kardashian in those thigh-highs completely see through boots. Now those are truly ridiculous! Do I own a pair? Me? No, I don’t secretly have a pair stowed away in my closet just in case Kiki decides that she wants to become my best friend and annoyingly insists that we twin every day because she is so obsessed with me… Ok fine, I’m ashamed to admit that I do.
- Kim Kardashian in those thigh-highs completely see through boots
- Kim Kardashian see-through boots
However, in all seriousness, speaking of the Kardashians, what is this trend of the mid-calf biker shorts? It’s practical in the case you decide you want to go for a quick spin around the block. Or is the purpose to show off their voluminous (albeit cosmetically enhanced) derriere? Let’s be honest, jeans do that just fine without mimicking the style choices of Usain Bolt. This is a trend you will never see me caught dead in, and if you do, then you know that I have been brainwashed by Kanye. That being said, at this rate you’ll probably see me strolling around the block in my mid-calf biker shorts by summer.
- Kim Kardashian in a mid-calf biker shorts
- Kim Kardashian in her Biker shorts
My final rant will be dedicated to Scrunchies. Why are scrunchies coming back? They basically consume your whole head of hair while making you look like a five-year-old. Maybe I am scarred from my good old days of gymnastics where my scrunchies matched my leotard. Or when I thought I was super cool because I looked like Michelle from Full house. At the ripe-old age of 24 who wants to be twinning with a four-year old? I certainly don’t. Yet once again, I invite you all to look through my bathroom draws, and we can count together how many scrunchies I own. However, I will give myself some credit – I don’t wear them in public, they are strictly for the days that I have pushed the limits of dry shampoo.
- Selena Gomez rocking the scrunchies
- Bella Hadid’s Coachella hairstyle inspiration
I think overall the lesson that I have learned is never say never, whether we classify it as peer pressure or a change of heart, fashion wins me over it. Except that’s why we love it, right? We see a trend that we hate but then over time through countless bloggers, and insta post we change our mind and obsess over it.